Brand New From

"How to get more customers from your website"

...Even if you think you've tried everything!


Dear Friend, 

If you want to get more customers from your website, this book could be the key to unlocking a flood of new customers for your business.

But first, the weirdest opening to a sales pitch... Ever!

I should start by telling you all the reasons you want this book. Instead, I'm going to do the reverse.

I'm going to address the elephant in the room by telling you that there is no 'marketing magic bullet' which instantly solves all your business growth issues overnight.

The truth is there are proven approaches you should test which can make positive changes to your business.

This book details one of those approaches, which if done right, can have a huge impact on helping you attract more paying customers.

Why should you listen to me?

Being British means I’m a bit rubbish at boasting (nobody likes a show off) so I'll keep this short and factual:

I wrote a bestselling book (Make Your Website Sell). I have worked with over 20 blue-chip companies, provided consultancy, to hundreds of small to medium enterprises and regularly add six figures+ to the bottom line of my clients - and have done so for 20 years. 

This book is based on a system I regularly deploy to my clients that increases their customer base year on year.

Here’s exactly what you’re getting

Inside the ebook I detail one of the most effective ways of growing your business on the Internet using a strategy which can, largely, be put on autopilot.

And you'll immediately have the entire system I personally use to keep my customer's (and my) order books full!

There's no nonsense or filler because the most important thing to me is that the book is helpful to you.

And it’s an easy read.

At just over 80 pages, you can read it in an afternoon and instantly understand what you need to do to get more customers from your website.

Here's some of what's inside and how it might help you:

  • How to get your prospects eager to buy BEFORE they even see your pitch. Page 20

  • How to get new customers in under fourteen days – even if you haven’t got a list prospects. Page 53

  • Instantly get in front of perfect prospects with money to spend. (HINT: The secret is super-cheap PPC advertising almost no one is using.) Page 39

  • Why 1+1+1=10 and where to find the parts of your business which create massive results from minimal effort. Page 7

  • Discover the two internet laws which govern people’s buying behaviour. Page 24

  • A way to generate leads and sales which taps into your buyer’s deepest needs and instantly positions you as a trusted authority. Page 26

  • You need an all singing and dancing website to get customers, right? Wrong! Endless website redesigns almost always backfire. Here’s a brand-new approach that’s faster to implement and gets results. Page 10

  • Where to find the best clients and the bizarre case of how I found my perfect customer. Page 27

  • How traditional internet marketing can actually undermine your business. Eye-opening proof on Page 13

  • The truth behind why most people don’t buy from websites even though it’s easy to fix. Page 11

  • If you hate the idea of having to sit and write marketing content you’ll love this quick and cheap way of getting it done without EVER touching the keyboard. Page 32

  • What's the best way to sell?  Offer your service like this and you’ll probably make more sales than you can keep up with.  (HINT: It’s called the Hierarchy of Influence.) Page 9

  • How, by following this simple strategy, I landed my first billion-dollar customer five-years ago that I still work with to this day. Page 22

  • Say goodbye to having a small list of prospects! This new source of leads trumps anything you’ve ever seen, and hardly anyone has harnessed it. Page 39

  • When it’s OK to be a ‘tech-dummy’: Forget about the fancy technical stuff that’s totally confusing, I’ll show you how to build an online campaign in a non-technical way that’ll leave your web designers dumbfounded! Page 56

  • The little-known Facebook strategy that puts your posts and adverts directly in front of prospects and customers on YOUR EXISTING database. Page 40

  • What to do if you’re sending out emails but no one is buying or enquiring. Read the counter-initiative approach gets customers actively wanting to receive your emails. Page 54

  • The truth about why most internet marketing dies on its feet. The stuff you see everyone else doing is failing, but this new method is easier and works better. Page 16

  • Sixteen ways to show the extraordinary value in your business and how to get that written down in a way which excites and motivates your customers to buy. Page 42

  • What to do if you have tried lots of different marketing strategies and they’ve either not worked, performed poorly or had short-lived success. This simple but powerful strategy gives you one proven approach which delivers customers month-on-month, year-on-year. Page 17

I could go on with more battle-hardened strategies and tactics but there’s a bigger picture I want to focus on for a moment because at the heart of my book is…

An advanced 'persuasion system' that gets people buying without being salesy

You’ll have at your fingertips the complete step-by-step blue print of how to create a system which generates sales all day, every day without your prospect feeling under pressure.

In fact, they will want to buy from you without you having to ask. All you need to do is deploy the system. And two things will happen:

1. Your business will genuinely help everyone who goes through the system. This creates an extraordinary by-product, namely, that your prospect will develop the highest regard for your knowledge, skills and expertise irrespective of whether they buy from you or not.

2. By developing this respect you will set the foundation for a long-term relationship with your prospect where they’re significantly more likely to become a repeat customer for years to come.

Bonus chapter on writing compelling copy

If there is one skill that can transform your online sales it’s writing persuasive copy.

But it’s not easy.

After all, you’re trying to convince someone to part with their money and you’re not even in the room!

That’s why I’m giving you this bonus chapter because writing copy that gets results can be the difference between making 1 sale in 10 or 8 sales in 10.

But here’s the REAL bonus for you… writing better copy that generates more sales COSTS NOTHING but can turn average sales to extraordinary sales overnight.

Here’s some of what you'll learn:

  • How to eliminate fear and under confidence from writing COMPLETELY and FOREVER.

  • Why your bulleted list is letting you down and why almost every prioritised list is never in the right priority.

  • How to get your sales copy written in language everyone understands without EVER touching the keyboard.

  • Say goodbye to guessing what your prospect wants to read.

  • What you should never write if you want to win the sale (and is the SINGLE BIGGEST trap almost everyone falls into).

  • TWO simple 100% effective formulas for structuring a winning webpage, letter, email, brochure, social media post – you name it.

  • What to do if your visitors aren’t staying on your website long enough to get in touch or make a sale.

  • Magnetically attract people to your sales copy and get them willing to jump through hoops to become your customer.

And that’s just a fraction of what you get:

Inside are 9 key strategies packed with tips, tactics, pitfalls to avoid, approaches, advice and real-world examples

– enough to help you present the perfect pitch and make the sale.

Get instant access! 

The book is in PDF format so you can download it instantly.

No need to wait for it to arrive in the mail – You can start implementing the strategies in my book to grow your business and get more customers from your website before the day is out!

Here's what to do next

The ebook is just £6.99, and you get it instantly as a PDF download.

Why £6.99?   

I want to make this information easily accessible to anybody from start-ups to well-established businesses.

Also, I would like this to be the start of a working relationship between us and this is my 'low-cost' way of proving to you that I can help grow your business.

There's no catch

There are no hidden charges.

I'm not about to have a telesales team endlessly bombard you with phone calls.

You get exactly what I have promised.

Time is of the essence

I'm a professional digital marketer and consultant and I'm selling this book to test a marketing approach called a 'book funnel'.

Once I have the results I'll most likely increase the price since the cost of advertising this book is currently more than its price.

So, please act now as the price will go up shortly.

"Thanks for the book… very impressive and helpful."

John Cole

Yes, you really are getting this book for £6.99

But you need to order now.

As I said, the price may go up very soon.

An ironclad personal guarantee!

I want this book to make a genuine difference to your business. And I know it will if you implement the strategies.

However if, for any reason, you feel that the book was not worth the price, I will happily refund you the full amount – no questions, no quibble.

And you still get to keep the book!

This a limited offer claim your copy now

"Thank you very much for your book. It opened up a lot of ideas for me to do and the direction to take."

Sheila Marlborough

I really appreciate you taking the time to read this page and look forward to hearing about how the eBook has helped you.

Jed Wylie.

P.S. If you're like me and skip to the end first is a quick summary:

Get my eBook on how to get more customers from your website.

Inside you'll discover exactly how to grow your online revenue using a strategy which applies to any business because it's based on human behaviour and psychology and not on sales techniques or some new marketing fad.

It's a system I have used with countless customers and works every time. (And I show you the proof in the book.)

All you pay just £6.99. 

(That's less than you'd pay for a ticket to the cinema or a hungry person's trip to Costa!) 


Plus, if after you read it, it's not for you or you simply don't think it is worth the price, let me know and I will give you a 100% refund. (Goodwill is far more important to me than £6.99!)

You'll want to buy this book now for two reasons…

One. This is a marketing experiment and I may decide to put the price up.

Two. The sooner you finish reading the book, the faster you can implement the strategy to get more customers into your business and the quicker your bottom line will grow.

Wishing you all the best,


"Fabulous - thank you so much."

Caro Lane

DISCLAIMER: Running a successful business takes time, effort, and a huge amount of hard work – you know all that already. And, as with any business, your results will vary from others based on your experience, expertise, capacity and other factors. Please do not take any examples I give as being indicative of the results which you may achieve. I cannot guarantee your results and take no responsibility for how you interpret the material. That said, if I make a claim and you would like me to prove it, please let me know and I'll be happy to oblige.

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